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45 Seconds to Wonderful!

Robert Noyce — Co-Founder, Intel Corporation

With 2023 ending, it’s beneficial to reflect on the good in life and think about how wonderful things can be if we can find a way. In doing so, it helps us look forward to the year ahead.

It may seem strange to think about good things right now when for many, things are anything but wonderful.

However, let’s reflect for just a moment. What is “wonderful”? Have you experienced it? I believe it may be the purest feeling of good we can have or give to someone else. More than simply good, it is wonder “full”, much more than we ever expected!

Lately, I’m reflecting more on man’s impermanence, and sense and humbly appreciate that life can be short.

But then it also dawned on me that our perception of life as limited or abundant is determined by our own utilization of it.

Even if we are facing unfortunate circumstances, we can — if we muster up the determination, live a life of meaning and effectiveness.

A life well lived in service to others is the better course for a solid foundation as we move into 2024.

Here are 3 suggestions to start the new year right:

1. Choose to be a successful person. Yes, success is a choice — and it is also a mindset.

2. Define what that success means to you. It is YOUR success. Don't let the expectations of others limit you.

3. Then, start on the path right away. Once you define what it is you want to succeed in, move toward it. Small steps count!

Robert Noyce, co-founder of Intel Corporation, one of the world’s most successful semiconductor chip manufacturers, once said:

“Don’t be encumbered by history. Go off and do something wonderful.”

It’s mentioned so many times, but it’s true: STEM fields open doors to a vast array of exciting and rewarding career paths. The world awaits your unique contributions to it.

Follow the advice of Mr. Noyce and go off and do something wonderful!

May you have a “wonder full” holiday season and a happy new year!